Health Checks for Cin7 Core

We can perform a comprehensive audit of your Cin7 Core setup to identify issues early and work with you to rectify problems before they cost you time and money in lost sales.

Waypoint is a Cin7 Core specialist of over 10 years, proudly their largest and most experienced services partner worldwide. It’s safe to say there isn’t a Cin7 Core problem we haven’t seen (and fixed).

“Our customers aren’t mapping correctly”

“We’re being prompted to reorder goods that we have in stock”

“Our COGS is frequently innacurate”

“Some POs cannot be received”

Say Goodbye to Costly Errors.

Our Health Check service provides an in-depth analysis of your Cin7 Core system to ensure it operates at peak efficiency.

Whether you're experiencing slow performance, inaccurate stock levels, or integration issues, our running a Health Check of your Cin7 Core will help you eliminate costly errors.

System Efficiency. Sorted.

With our expert diagnostics, backed by actionable insights, you can stay ahead of potential issues, maintain productivity, and improve operational efficiency, all while minimising disruptions.

  • Inspect and analyse

    The first stage of the Health Check is to analyse your Cin7 Core data.

    We will identify issues and bottlenecks that could be hindering your inventory management and operations.

  • Document our findings

    At the conclusion of our analysis, we will prepare and present a written report of our findings alongside tailored recommendations to proactively resolve them, streamline workflows, and improve Cin7 Core's performance.

  • Get to work fixing things

    Collaboratively, we’ll decide whether putting our recommendations into action is a ‘You’ or ‘Us’ job. If you’d like us to ‘just get it done’, you’ll benefit from our years of experience and unrivalled system knowledge. And we’ll be there to help you again in the future should the need arise.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • We'll pull exports and reports from several places within your Cin7 Core to tell us what we need to know and give us an overall picture of the health of your setup. The headline areas that we'll focus on are:

    • Customers

    • Suppliers

    • Products and Inventory

    • Global Settings

    • Reference Books

    • Sales Process

    • Purchase Process

    • Integrations

  • On acceptance of our engagement letter, we will:

    1. Bill for health check using the payment source you nominate in our proposal platform.

    2. Send you a preparation checklist to ensure we can access your Cin7 Core and see the data we need.

    3. Share our Health Check worksheet which includes our preliminary notes for you to add to. This will ensure we review your system in the context of the issues you're facing.

    4. Schedule your review session to discuss our findings and recommendations for system improvement.

    5. Then, if you'd like us to start working on fixing those issues for you, we'll get to work.

  • Cin7 Core Health Checks are a flat-rate service that we bill for in advance as you approve the engagement letter we send you.

    The work we may do for you after the Health Check is complete will be handled under a simple hourly rate. We do not charge any minimums or retainer fees for hourly service work. And, once you're a client of ours, you'll be able to come back at any time in the future to have us jump into the system to work with you on any issues that may come up.

    Hourly service work is billed at the start of every month for the work performed during the month prior. We'll send you a proforma invoice to summarise the work we did and then we'll bill your nominated payment source 14 days later.

Book a Call With Waypoint Now

We’ve learned a lot from working with Cin7 Core users over the years and we know how hard it can be to find a partner who understands Cin7 Core not only from a systems perspective, but how your setup will impact your business. We get it.