Inventory for Food and Drink Businesses

You produce and distribute some of the finest food and beverage products and your customers can’t get enough. They love you, and your products. How would you like to spend more time building on your success? We help food and drink businesses streamline their end-to-end inventory process.

Running a food and drink manufacturer and/or wholesaler means that you spend a lot of time spinning plates. While you have your own challenges, we think you might recognise some of these issues as well.

“Why is that product out of stock?”

“When are these raw materials going to expire?”

“How much are these recipes costing me to make?.”

“A product got recalled – where did we use that?”

“Our costs have risen by how much?”

 Challenges with Food Solved by Intuititve Software

  • Batch Tracking

    With raw materials, and finished goods, moving around warehouses at a million miles an hour – keeping track of it all is hard. Batch numbers could relate to your raw materials, your work in progress or your finished goods, and be in any one of a number of locations and warehouses.

  • Stock Expiry Frustration

    Customer loyalty isn’t what it used to be. When hit with a a situation where your stock is expired, we’ll typically go elsewhere to find someone who has what you don’t. Keeping your warehouse stocked is just good for business but it’s hard, especially if you’re relying on a manual stock reordering process.

  • Updating Recipes

    Keeping recipe information and stock on hand up to date across all channels can be a logistical nightmare. Updating multiple spreadsheets, your website and your Inventory platform can be a real time suck. It’s also the kind of work that isn’t exactly fulfilling. Creating a one-and-done process, automates reordering and saves time and frustration.

Cin7 Core Production Scheduler window

Real Problems. Real Solutions.

We believe there’s a smarter way to run your food and drink operation. Our approach can automate your inventory management, saving you time and money, and putting you back in control.

Thanks to our tight partnerships with Cin7 Core and Inventory Planner, we’ll deliver smarter ways of working for a more profitable Food and Drink business.

  • Manage Transactions In Real Time

    Remove the guesswork from your e-commerce business by having real-time visibility of all of your transactions.

  • Automate Pick, Pack, And Ship

    Reduce the human errors in your distribution operation by automating the entire pick, pack and ship workflow.

  • Up-To-Date Product Information

    Take the pain out of data entry & have confidence that the product information you see is accurate everywhere.

  • Create Insightful Sales Reports

    Get real-time sales reports to help you understand your business and make smarter, commercial decisions.

  • Seamless Product Variation Support

    Enjoy the flexibility of applying the right product variations to the items you sell in your e-commerce store.

  • Automatically Update Stock Levels

    Take the pain away from manual data-entry and support smarter stock re-ordering by automating stock level updates.

Book a Call With Waypoint Now

We’ve worked with a number of Food and Drink manufacturers and wholesalers over the years. We know how hard it can be to remain competitive, and profitable. Our job is to help you develop smarter inventory processes driven by the right inventory management platform.

How We’ve Helped Other Food and Drink Businesses

Eliminate manual processing of credit applications and reduce your average debtor days by up to 50% in 90 days. Built for Food and Beverage wholesalers.